Ultrasound scanning of musculoskeletal problems
Frequent problems we see in the clinic where we use ultrasound scanning
Fibre burst
Diameter measurement
Car quality
Sonosite PX
In the clinic we have one of the most advanced scanners from Sonosite for musculoskeletal ultrasound scanning. In a short time, we can deliver images with a clarity not seen before, which helps to uncover the degree of your problem. We have the possibility to check for changes in structures, just we can check for possible inflammation in tendons, joints and muscles.
Unlike other clinics that choose to charge an extra fee for ultrasound scanning, it is part of the price in the clinic. It is one of our most important tools in diagnosing your problem so that we can target treatment most effectively. And it shouldn’t cost you extra that we want the best for you and your injury.
Effective and fast-acting treatment, from a highly competent practitioner. Prior to a race I overloaded my knee, which resulted in a lot of pain and made my participation in the race unlikely. I was lucky enough to get an appointment on the day, which resulted in me being able to complete the race without any pain – even afterwards. I would recommend MS Insight at any time.Christian Henderson
Michael fixed my knee injury after only 2 treatments.. No waiting time and super effective treatment.. Thank you for your help. Regards KnudKnud Hyltoft
I received very professional treatment from Michael. I arrived with shoulder pain where my arm could not be brought up to my ear and before I left the clinic my shoulder was fully functional and pain free. Highly recommend MS insight. The best treatment I have received in a long time.Sissel Secher-Nielsen
I have received exceptionally good and very effective treatment from Michael at MS Insight. The combination of Shockwave and Magnetolith, has given extremely good and clearly noticeable results, even before I left the clinic. Michael is extremely skilled, and with the equipment the clinic possesses, can help where no one else could, and even with great success. My best recommendations. You will not regret your visit to MS Insight – I am impressed.Louise Hansen
Good treatment. Professional and explorative. Michael works with many forms of treatment and this means you don’t have to go to 10 different treatments. His knowledge and expertise is super. You are in safe hands. What otherwise couldn’t be treated with either chiropractic, medication or exercise, he fixed with one of his great machines (I had Chostocondritis as far as I could tell, inflammation between the sternum and ribs that prevented me from stretching and caused chest tightness). He also helped my mother through a herniated disc and not just the herniated disc itself, but the things that can come with not having your body 100% in balance, leg pain, infiltrations(or whatever it’s called😊) and good shoe inserts for posture and when walking.Athene Vistisen
Received treatments at MS Insight for an acute muscle injury in the shoulder. Have experienced improvement from first treatment as well as great flexibility in getting an appointment quickly with follow up treatments. Have returned to normal function well and quickly after 1 month.Charlotte Bodil Hermansen
Clear recommendation from here !!! 🙂 — Fixed my fatigue fracture with laser and eventually got me running again — You can always contact him for an emergency appointment; usually answers within a short time. Thumbs up !!Que Son Vu
Ultrasound examination facts
- Injuries to ligaments and tendons
- Tearing of muscles
- Inflammatory conditions of tendons and bursa
- Calcifications of tendons
- Irritation around bones
- Damage to the meniscus
- Symptoms of arthritis in joints
- Possible fatigue fractures of superficial bones of the extremities
Another advantage of ultrasound scanning is that you can scan with your body in motion. This allows us to work more functionally on the bench and get a better insight into what exactly is happening with the pain you are experiencing.
Ultrasound scanning works by sending sound waves (ultrasound) into the body, which are reflected back with an image (an echo). Depending on what these sound waves hit, different signals (images) are sent back. These are the images we interpret and use to make the diagnosis.
During the scan, a gel is applied to the skin of the body part to be scanned and the scanner is moved back and forth over the area to be scanned. The audio images are then translated into an image on a screen, allowing us to interpret the images in relation to your problem. This is quite harmless.
At MS Insight, we only scan the muscles, tendons and bones of the extremities, and not the organs, nodes or possible pregnancy.
Ultrasound scanning is part of the treatments and is a standard part of focused shockwave and does not cost extra.
Quick clarification
WE scan at first treatmentLatest equipment
We only work with the latest technologyExtensive experience
WE have been scanning for many yearsShould we contact you?
Shockwave treatment
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