Klinik for Shockwave

Erectile dysfunction and diabetes

Erectile dysfunction and diabetes

Erectile dysfunction and diabetes cause many Danish men problems in the bedroom. New study shows promise for treating erectile dysfunction resulting from diabetes with focused shockwave. This was done in combination with pelvic floor training. The study focused on 42 men aged 41-55. 42 men who had all been diagnosed diabetic neuropathy and vascular erectile dysfunction

They were divided into 2 groups. A group that received both shockwave and pelvic floor training, and a group that did pelvic floor training and received placebo shockwave.

There was a significant increase in blood flow to the penis in the combination group, compared to the pelvic floor training group. This was seen when control measurements were made with ultrasound 3 months after the end of treatment.

This is another study showing that focused shockwave can be an effective part of the treatment of vascular erectile dysfunction. But of course it doesn't replace a focus on healthy habits. There still needs to be a focus on a sensible level of activity, diet and nutrition, as well as alcohol and smoking, to name a few factors.

Read the study directly here or see the excerpt below.

erectile dysfunction diabetes