Prices and terms of trade
MS Insight is a private clinic that does not offer physiotherapy, meaning you cannot use your referral in the clinic.
The clinic specializes in shockwave and offers solutions that are not available anywhere else in the private or public sector in Denmark and the Nordics.
Prices as of December 1, 2023.
Treatment | Price |
Initial consultation injuries incl. scan and treatment | 1,700 Danish kroner. |
Initial consultation and examination for erectile dysfunction, peyronies and other urological dysfunctions. | From 1,700-2,400 Danish kroner. |
Shockwave & laser/EMTT treatment for injuries (20-30 min) | From 800-1000 Danish kroner per treatment. |
Pure shockwave for erectile dysfunction (15 min) | 1,200 DKK per treatment |
Shockwave and EMTT for Peyronies (20 min) | 1,300 DKK per treatment . |
Uroplus (EMTT and Shockwave) for erectile dysfunction, CPPS and Incontinence, (20-30 min) | 1,500 DKK per treatment |
URO executive (30 min.) Specialized treatment for Urological indications (learn more in the clinic) | From DKK 2,000 per treatment |
Sexological therapy (60 min) | 2,400 Danish kroner. |
FAQ about payment
You can pay with mobilepay or cash in the clinic, we do not accept credit cards, and payment is settled after each treatment. No credit is given. Treatment outside opening hours/emergencies can be provided at double the rate.
Cancellations must be made by 17:00 the day before. In case of late cancellation/no-show, the full price of the consultation will be charged. Cancellations can only be made via the booking system or to, Cancellations via voicemail will not be accepted.
If you are more than 10 minutes late for your consultation, the appointment will be cancelled and you will be charged the full amount.
We are a private clinic providing specialised treatment solutions without subsidy from the public health insurance or your insurance company. Statements for insurance companies can be made for a fee of 500 KR
You are responsible for any reports to the insurance company, and coverage for specialised solutions is not guaranteed.
Prepaid courses are not refunded if the course is not completed. Course must be completed within 6 months.
Workshop/training in Denmark from DKK 10,000 + driving
supervision per hour request price
Teaching/lecturing is subject to VAT.