Crummerik treatment with shockwave
Get reduced curvature, increased length and sexual function
Kort introduktion og forklaring af behandlingen
Clarification by scan
Effective treatment of crummerik
A normal course of treatment will usually consist of 6-8 treatments of high-intensity focused shockwave and EMTT, supplemented with home exercises. The treatment has no side effects. In the initial phase of peyronies, when plaque and fibrosis are not fully developed, we have a great opportunity to significantly limit the damage and scar tissue formation, thus avoiding problems. Once the scar tissue and fibrosis are formed, we will have to work with higher intensities and more advanced equipment. There is still a good chance of an effective and satisfactory outcome. Here we will break down the plaque so that the curvature is reduced again. This equipment is currently not seen anywhere else in Denmark, except at MS Insight.
Michael part of an international multidisciplinary group in the field of urological shockwave. Where he teaches other therapists and specialists internationally, for shockwave manufacturer Storz Medical. The clinic’s protocols are a further development of the concept from prof. Lars Lund. but with more powerful equipment than at OUH, so higher efficacy in treatment is seen. Michael is a member of The International Society for Sexual Medicine and the Danish Sexologist Association.
Crummerik treatment without side effects
The clinic is Denmark’s leader in ultrasound scanning and focused shockwave treatment of curvature The clinic has specialized equipment for precise treatment of the plaque/fibrosis “ball or string” that you feel, without any side effects. In particular, the level of detail of the ultrasound scan will help you identify the exact cause of your curvature. If you choose to have surgery as a first option instead, there may be a risk of side effects and further erection problems. Currently, together with Storz Medical in Switzerland, the leaders in shockwave equipment, the clinic has initiated a new case study on ultrasound scanning in peyronie’s, showing the effect of shockwave.
Plaque in the penis
Focused shockwave
Treatment by specialist in urological shockwave
When you meet Michael at the clinic, you are in safe hands. Michael specialises in focused shockwave treatment for erectile dysfunction and peyronie’s disease, and is an internationally recognised expert and trainer. That’s why men of all ages from all over the Nordic countries come to the clinic every day for treatment of various types of peyronies. This is also reflected in the highly detailed ultrasound scans, which are performed the first time you come in and guide the treatment in each session. These are not seen elsewhere in the north.
Michael helps you in the clinic with focused shockwave treatment for peyronie’s disease, which reduces your curvature and any pain significantly. It has no side effects and increases travel at the same time. You will regain some of the lost length and fullness of the penis that you may have experienced with peyronies. Therefore, an unpleasant operation is NOT necessary as a first choice. Watch the short video below for a brief and simple explanation of peyronies and treatment, or you can read in more detail about everything you need to know about peyronies at the bottom of the page.
Advice before treatment
You can call and have a 10-15 min no obligation confidential phone consultation with Michael to hear about how you can be helped with crumberik treatment. You can also book in directly for examination and treatment via our online system on this page. Select “First consultation urological dysfunctions”, an appointment for examination/treatment can almost always be found within a week if you are flexible.
Klient udtalelser
Jeg kan mærke en markant forskel i funktion, og krumningen er godt reduceret allerede efter de første 5 behandlinger, med mere end 50 %, jeg vender tilbage om 6 måneder for kontrol med ultralydsscanning.Kim W, 56 år
Jeg kunne allerede efter første behandling mod peyronies, mærke at penis var blevet mere fleksibel og fyldig, og den var ikke så kort som før.David, 33 år
Krumningen er reduceret, jeg har fået 1.5 cm tilbage af de 3 cm der var forkortet og min kone er meget tilfreds med resultatet.Anders O, 65 år
Jeg kan mærke at min rejsning er blevet mere kraftfuld og har ikke samme smerte som tidligere, fordi den krummer mindreMohammed, 53 år
God service, og kompetent behandling og stor imødekommenhed som gør, at man føler sig tryg.Max, 67 år
Krumningen er reduceret med ca 15 grader, i forhold til de 30 jeg startede med inden behandlingenFrank, 70 år
Be contacted by specialist
FAQ about crummerik
When you come for the first consultation, Michael will go into depth about the whole issue, both with physical and psychological impacts. The first consultation is as follows.
- A thorough screening is made of the degree of curvature, physical and mental health status and your medical history and possible impact on your erection ability
- We do a high-quality ultrasound scan to reveal the size of the fibrosis/plaque (the ball/string you feel).
- We will determine your expectations for treatment and what level we expect to be able to move you to, based on the results of the study.
- You will receive the first treatment with shockwave and EMTT, if you want to start the treatment, here you will be instructed in home exercises to do between treatments to ensure a good result.
At the start of treatment, it may be useful to bring a photo of the penis in an erect state to show the location of the curvature. This allows us to better target treatment.
We’ll go in depth to make sure we can put the right treatment strategy in place to restore quality to your sex life. The treatment and examination is carried out by one of Denmark’s leading experts in urological shockwave treatment, Michael, who is also a member of The International Society for Sexual Medicine.
The treatment with focused shockwave, also known as ESWT (Extracorporeal ShockWaveTherapy). This is done by “shooting” high-frequency sound waves into the fibrosis/plaque area via an application head. This alters the biological processes around the “sphere” itself so that it breaks down into a less solid form. This means that when we affect the plaque area during treatment, it will be broken down into smaller pieces so that the curvature is reduced. The processes set in motion can be reinforced by some different home exercises, which you will be taught when you come for treatment.
In particular, the biological processes of collagen transformation, stem cell release, cell communication and blood vessel formation are the reasons why we can use shockwave effectively for peyronies. When we combine with EMTT it is because it has an increased general stimulation, which makes the tissue more elastic and flexible. There are no other clinics offering this combination treatment in Denmark. When the tissue is stiff, it also helps to increase the curvature and can in some cases result in a shortening of the penis.
The treatment itself involves applying a gel to the penis where the fibrosis is located, and then firing 4000 pulses into the tissue. The treatment feels like stinging and tingling and there may be a slight soreness after treatment, which is why sexual intercourse is not recommended for a period of 24 hours after the end of treatment.
To determine the degree of fibrosis/plaque, an ultrasound scan is necessary, it is not enough to “just” feel. This also ensures that we hit the right area in the subsequent shockwave treatment. Ultrasound scanning for peyronie’s is only offered by a few clinics in Denmark, and therefore Michael has extensive experience and knowledge about uncovering fibrosis/plaque in the penis. It can also identify whether it is the connective tissue that is tight, and that is what predicts the problem.
This has an impact on providing a prognosis of the course of treatment, and subsequent outcome. We’ll help you understand this when we do the scan. Here are some examples of different sizes of fibrosis in the penis.
A normal course of treatment extends over 6 weeks, with 1 weekly shockwave treatment, where we make 4000 pulses with shockwave in the area where the hard “ball / string” is located. We supplement with EMTT to increase the elasticity of the tissue, so that there is more “space” again. After treatment, you can expect less curvature, less pain in the area, and increased sexual function. In addition, if fibrosis is widespread, several treatments may be necessary.
- It costs 1.200 DKK per treatment, with shockwave and combination of EMTT
- First examination costs DKK 1,300 including ultrasound scan and treatment
- As one of the few clinicians in Denmark and the only one in Copenhagen, Michael works directly with Storz Medical in Switzerland. As the leading manufacturer of shockwave equipment for urological conditions, we are at the forefront of the latest research and technology in the clinic and have specialist equipment for the treatment of peyronie’s.
Induratio penis plastica can be compared to an inflammatory condition that typically first presents with pain and tenderness in the penis. It is usually most pronounced during erection during intercourse, and can thus affect one’s sex drive. It can also in bad cases lead to Erectile dysfunction
Peyronie’s disease, which is not congenital, can occur during life, where the cause may be due to an autoimmune reaction. Which may be triggered by small injuries to the penis during sexual activity. Thickened, tender nodules form in the swelling membranes, causing pain and discomfort. However, the condition is completely harmless. In the inflammation phase, shockwave and EMTT may be able to reduce pain and slow the condition.
Whether it’s congenital or developed later in life, mild penile misalignment causes no symptoms or pain. The bias should be treated only in cases where the degree of bias makes intercourse difficult or impossible.
The condition usually progresses in two phases:
- The first phase often lasts a year and is marked by painful erections, while the penis starts to curve and become deformed
- In the second phase, the soreness subsides. Here, the painful areas heal up with rigid scar tissue or also called plaque. The result can be an hourglass-shaped penis in erect state or curvature of the penis.
The condition does not heal itself and treatment will be required. Studies have shown that 10% experience improvement after 5-10 years, 40% experience the condition as stable and 50% experience worsening over time
Congenital significant curvature of the penis is relatively rare, affecting less than 1% of men.
Induratio penis plastica, on the other hand, is not uncommon. The prevalence increases with age, affecting up to 13% of the male population to varying degrees. Not everyone experiences discomfort and it is rare that the condition is so pronounced that intercourse with a partner becomes difficult.
As a non-invasive treatment, shockwave is the most effective. But in severe cases, surgery is provisionally the most effective treatment, and 50-75% of curvatures will be corrected satisfactorily. However, at least one year must elapse between the end of the curvature process and the offer of surgery.