Klinik for Shockwave

Laser treatment with K-laser

K laser Treatment for acute and chronic injuries

Have you had sudden pains in your body?

Does osteoarthritis cause unbearable pain?

Then we can help you quickly and effectively within 3-5 treatments in the clinic.


At Clinic MS Insight we have 2 types of level 4 lasers of 15 and 26 watts, which are among the most powerful lasers on the market, including a K-laser. Because laser therapy stimulates the body's natural healing processes, we are able to treat a wide range of chronic and acute conditions. Already after the first treatment you will feel a reduction in your pain and the treatment is painless and without side effects.

The clinic is located on Eliasgade on Amager near Lergravsparken metro.

Treatment with level 4 laser and K-laser.

In the acute phase, just after the injury has occurred, we can treat it daily. This is both to reduce the high pain, but also to get the body as quickly as possible started with a healing process. That way you'll get rid of your damage quickly. As a rule, 3-6 treatments will give a really good result.

With more chronic problems, a slightly longer course will be needed, where you can expect somewhere between 6-12 treatments depending on the type and extent of the injury. Where we treat about 2 times a week. Because we also work with shockwave in the clinic, we would recommend this instead for some types of chronic problems.

If you have any doubts about how your problem can be addressed or whether we can help you, please feel free to call us on 41400858. Then Michael will guide you to a solution.

We offer 2 options for laser treatment:

For more advanced issues, you will be treated throughout by your therapist.

For other injuries we offer self-service, for example a wrist, elbow, knee or foot, where it is possible for you to use the laser yourself once you have received instructions from your practitioner. Examples include osteoarthritis and other minor sports injuries. This costs 225 kroner per treatment. Either way, you'll need to come in for a first consultation before you can be considered for self-service

The normal price for laser treatment by the clinic's therapists is 400 kroner.

Indications for laser treatment

Below we have listed some of the classic problems we often see in the clinic. However, this is only a brief selection of the total possibilities.

Some of the latest clinical guidelines recommend laser for osteoarthritis, acute neck pain and wound healing. We specialise in laser treatment of particularly acute problems in the world of sport, where we have gained experience that we transfer to more classic problems seen in everyday activities and work, therefore we can make a difference for you, whether you are a top athlete or a craftsman.

How laser therapy works

Does osteoarthritis cause unbearable pain? Then we can help you quickly and effectively within 3-5 treatments in the clinic.

Laser therapy has been around since the 1970s and is a painless treatment for chronic and acute injuries.

  • Laser therapy is highly concentrated energy that stimulates the natural healing of the body.
  • Laser light is a profound form of therapy that reaches right into the individual cell.
  • The cell harnesses the energy of the laser light and triggers all the body's natural repair mechanisms. It can be linked to plant photosynthesis.
  • This enhances the healing process and reduces recovery time.

Laser treatment does not stand alone and can be combined with exercise and other manual techniques. Which we also do as standard in the clinic. It is important to know that laser therapy does not replace conventional rehabilitation, it is just a way to increase the quality and speed of the rehabilitation phase.

Level 4 laser (vores) vs level 3b laser

The laser's light is formed in several ways and with different types of diodes. What determines the effect of the laser light is the construction and use of the right diode. The devices used for treatment are classified in level 3b and level 4.

Level 3b generally delivers up to 0.5 watts per diode, where the level 4 lasers we use at MS Insight deliver 15 and 26 watts in a diode. This means that with a level 4 laser, you can reach up to 8 cm effectively into the tissue. As an example, our level 4 K-laser can stimulate the following processes:

  • 660-nm (Stimulates everything in the skin such as: wounds, acne, psoriasis, etc.)
  • 800-nm (Stimulates ATP production in cells)
  • 905-nm (Stimulates a more efficient release of oxygen to the cells)
  • 970-nm (Stimulates increased blood circulation)

Treatment with laser is painless and without side effects. When treated with the above wavelengths, the light will stimulate blood circulation and reduce inflammation. The cells that are already in the process of healing will receive energy from outside, thereby strengthening and accelerating the body's natural healing. However, a slight soreness is to be expected after treatment, which is quite normal due to the pro-inflammatory nature of the treatment.

If you are still unsure about how your issue can be addressed or if we can help you, please feel free to call 41400858 . Then Michael will guide you to a solution.

Non-operative treatment

Common to all the problems is that the pain from the symptoms is debilitating. This means that you can't do the things you used to do in everyday life without getting pain. In the past, for a number of chronic and long-term problems, medical treatment, blockages or surgery would be used. We can postpone and in most cases avoid this by using laser as an effective and painless treatment method.

As we work to influence the body's natural processes, the quality of your tissue also plays a role in the treatment. This means that people who have a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly will respond better and faster to laser treatment.

Treatment in elite sports with laser therapy

For anyone who is passionate or plays sports at a high level, the thought of a long-term injury can be overwhelming. That's why we're working to get you back to your sport as soon as possible, using laser therapy on the same day or the day after the injury.

Particularly in the case of ruptured fibres, sprains and strains, targeted action from the start can make a big difference to how long it takes before you're ready to resume training and competition. At the clinic, we have ultrasound scanning equipment to quickly assess whether you have a fibre tear or just a strain, for example, and then target laser treatment accordingly.

k laser treatment

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