Klinik for Shockwave

Precautions and requirements regarding covid-19

In connection with the Covid-19 situation, the government has made a number of recommendations and requirements to prevent the spread of infection. Below are various actions and requirements listed that are applicable to the clinic. The clinic recommends this is followed.

The clinic also points out that there is no public access to the clinic’s premises without prior agreement/confirmation via the booking system.

  • If you are infected with COVID-19, or suspect COVID-19 (fever, cough, sore throat, headache and muscle aches, which in some people may be accompanied by nasal symptoms). In this case, you must NOT come to the clinic and you must cancel your treatment. Cancellation conditions still apply.
    Wipes are taken between all treatments, both trays and equipment, and disposable wipes are discarded after use, just as normal. Likewise, airing out is ongoing.
  • Arrive a maximum of 5 minutes before your time.
  • Washing hands is the first thing you do when entering the waiting room,
  • No handshakes or traditional greetings.
  • If you have a companion with you, we recommend that they wait outside, unless it is critical for you to gain access to the clinic premises. This also means that you cannot bring your children into the clinic. If you cannot find childcare, please cancel and find a new appointment.
  • The clinic is not open to the public without prior appointment.
  • A gag/visor must be worn in the clinic if you are not exempt

  • There should be a minimum distance of 1 metre between customer locations where customers, visitors or participants are predominantly seated.
  • Any waiting rooms or similar areas should be enclosed or arranged so that a minimum distance of 1 metre can be maintained. Magazines, toys and the like should be removed.
  • A maximum of 1 customer or visitor or participant may be admitted per 4 m2 of floor area to which public access is provided.
  • However, a specific square metre requirement of 2 m2 of floor space per customer, visitor or participant has been introduced in premises where they are essentially sitting or lying down.

The government has introduced a requirement for coronapas, as well as gag/viruses for access to the clinic. The clinic recommends that this be followed.

If you state that you are exempt from testing/bandaging, we trust that this is correct and will not go into this further. Below are the specific rules listed.

Requirements for Coronapas
  • A Coronapas means evidence of one of the following
    • A negative result of a covid-19 test that is no more than 72 hours old from the time the test was performed.
    • A positive result of a covid-19 test that is at least 14 days and no more than 12 weeks old from the time the test was performed.
    • A completed vaccination course against covid-19.2
  • Documentation for coronapas can be provided both in paper format and electronically.
  • The name of the holder of the corona passport must correspond to the name on the passport, driving licence, health card or other publicly issued identity card carried by the person
  • Only customers, visitors and the like who can produce a valid corona pass may be admitted. Failure to produce a valid corona pass may result in expulsion.
  • The coronapas requirement does not apply to the following:
    • Children under 15
    • People who should not have a COVID-19 test for medical reasons
    • Persons who, because of a physical or mental impairment, should not have a covid-19 test.
  • By way of exception for coronapas under point 1, documentation may be presented in the form of a health card or other publicly issued identification card stating name and age. Exceptions under points 2-3 may be made on the basis of an assessment of the credibility of the customer’s statements.
  • Natural and legal persons, including public authorities, having disposal of premises shall comply with the following requirements:
    • Information material on the requirement for coronapas and expulsion for lack of documentation shall be displayed in or near the premises and facilities.
    • Access may only be allowed to customers, visitors and the like who comply with the coronapas requirement, subject to the exceptions listed.
Failure to comply with coronapas requirements
  • The offender is fined:
    • failure to display information material on the coronapas and expulsion requirement; and
    • does not ensure that only customers, visitors and the like who comply with the coronapas requirement are allowed access, subject to the exceptions thereto.
  • A fine is imposed on anyone who does not leave the premises after being expelled.